Multimodal Transport is a key international business platform where all main international trends in the field of multimodal transport, development prospects and directions of improving for the regulation of multimodal transport will be discussed.
Heads of railway companies
Heads of airlines and airports
Heads of bus operating companies
Top management of international and regional transport, logistics, shipping companies
Directors of commerce, strategic development of transport companies
Representatives of investment companies, leading banks and funds
Representatives of insurance companies
Representatives of leading companies in the field of IT solutions for multimodal transport
Representatives of national legislative and executive authorities
Heads of regional development corporations
Representatives of regional authorities in charge of transport infrastructure development
Representatives of suppliers of equipment for transport hubs
Heads and experts of design organizations
Heads of industry associations

To register as conference participant, please submit an online registration form. An event manager will then contact you to specify the participation and payment terms.
The following forms of participation are available:
Delegate participation (access to all conference events, exhibition, coffee breaks and lunches)
Participation + presentation (presentation, access to all conference events, exhibition, coffee breaks and lunches)
Participation + exhibition stand (exhibition stand, access to all conference events, exhibition, coffee breaks and lunches)
Participation as a partner/sponsor (for detailed information about the partnership/sponsorship packages, please contact the Organizing committee).
Participation in the conference will help sustain and magnify your company’s reputation as an industry leader, draw global attention to your company’s products and services, get recognition among the drivers of the aviation industry and expose your organisation to new business opportunities worldwide.
For detailed information about the partnership/sponsorship packages, please contact the Organizing committee.
Conference dress codes are business formal, business professional and business casual.
Yes, the delegate substitution is possible.
Please inform the Organizing committee about the delegate substitution for the correct information to be entered in the list of participants.
A personal account will be available after you have registered online and completed payment.
Once the registration form is submitted, we make an agreement and issue an invoice.
Please note that the invoice must be paid before the event.
Attention! Only bank transfers are accepted.